Wednesday, March 15, 2017

This will give you the iPhone notifications under control

You missed once again important notifications on your iPhone because they Flash again disappeared after accidental release of smartphones? With the right settings, you can prevent that. Here you'll learn all you need to know about the notifications on the iPhone.
iPhone notifications under control

First of all, you must add important notifications to your message center so that they are displayed even if you have already unlocked your iPhone, whether or not you want it. This option can be found here: "Settings> Messages". Now select the apps for which notifications are displayed in the message center. Make sure that the "Allow messages" and "Show in message center" check boxes are activated. In the same way, it works when you do not want to display notifications of certain programs. So you can disable the notifications for rather unimportant apps, so as not to sink into chaos.

Set a notification style for your notifications

In the next step, you can now configure the hint style in the form of banners and hints. Banners are displayed at the top of the screen, but disappear after a short time without having to activate. Notes, however, remain intact and require an active action - the preferred option for particularly important notifications. Navigate to the following menu: "Settings> Messages".

Now select the application for which you want to define a different hint style. For this to happen, the "Allow messages" option must be activated. Below are the options for the hint style. Here you can choose between "None", "Banner" and "Note". Again, you should take the opportunity to clean up a bit. Select the desired app and select "None" as a hint to continue receiving notifications for the app, but not a bold note in banner form.

Notification sound: To disable it

No question: Important messages should be signaled by a corresponding notification tone. But: Is this actually the case with every app? Do you have to accept any unimportant action on Facebook with a sound on your iPhone? In many cases probably not. Therefore you should go into yourself and check which sounds can be switched off safely. In the "Settings" under "Messages" select the respective app, for which you want to deactivate the sound. This is done by deactivating the menu item "Sounds" by slider.

Badges: How to switch the indicator counter off

The small red circles about apps and folders, the so-called badges, are a fairly practical thing. If an app has new notifications or notices ready for you, the little icon informs you about it without having to open the app before. But in everyday life, this can quickly become confusing, especially in a multitude of applications, and sometimes end in chaos. The problem: The badges only disappear when the corresponding app is started and the notifications have been called. Unfortunately, the icons can not be deactivated completely, but you can still determine for each application whether these badges should be played or not.

By the way: Apple calls the feature in its settings indicator counter. At first glance, it is unlikely to be clear what exactly is behind this description. And so you can disable the badges: "Settings> Messages". Select the desired app for which you want to disable the hints, and deactivate the "Indicator counter" item.


  1. Define notifications for the message center: "Settings> Messages"
  2. Select the app you want and turn "Show in Message Center" on or off
  3. Set the note style: "Settings> Messages" and select the app
  4. Make sure "Allow messages" is turned on
  5. In the Note Style area, choose "None", "Banner", or "Note"
  6. Turn sound on notifications on and off: "Settings> Messages"
  7. Select the app and make your choice at the "Tones" point
  8. Disable Badges: Select "Settings> Messages" and the app
  9. Turn slider to uncheck the red badges

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