Friday, February 24, 2017

IPhone 6s: Battery problems with iOS 10.2.1 fixed - says Apple

With the software update on iOS 10.2.1, the battery problems of numerous iPhone 6s owners according to Apple have clearly decreased. Also the sudden shutdowns for the iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus have been significantly minimized. However, the repair program for iPhone 6s owners is unaffected.
IPhone 6s: Battery problems

For some time some Apple customers are struggling with annoying shutdowns again and again - despite the obvious enough battery capacity. Especially affected were the following models: iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus. However, Apple explained the persistent battery problems now in a statement for largely terminated, TechCrunch reports. The software update iOS 10.2.1, which was released in January, is responsible for this. The manufacturer integrated into the current iOS version measures to get the sudden shutdowns under control - according to Apple with success.

Shutdowns reduced by more than 80 percent on iPhone 6s

Meanwhile, more than half of the iOS users installed iOS 10.2.1. According to Apple, anyway, only a "small percentage" of all users were affected by the sudden shutdowns. Based on the built-in battery diagnostic tool, Apple found significant declines in crashes. While the iPhone 6 shutdowns were reduced by more than 70 percent, the decline in the iPhone 6s amounted to more than 80 percent. In addition, the Californians added a way to restart the iPhone even without power supply, if the problems persist.

Repair program for the iPhone 6s from iOS 10.2.1 fix unaffected

At the same time the iPhone manufacturer stressed that the sudden battery shutdowns at no time represented a safety risk. It is understood, however, that the problems would be an inconvenience, which was to be repaired as quickly as possible. However, the battery fix in iOS 10.2.1 is independent from the repair program for the iPhone 6s, which Apple had created last November. In the affected models of a particular product lot, errors in the production were responsible for the battery shutdowns. In this case, Apple will exchange the battery of affected iPhone 6s models, which have a serial number qualified for the replacement.
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