Thursday, April 28, 2016

iPhone, Galaxy and Co .: The Edukators

Apple sold the first time less iPhones. But the smartphone boom is over, not only in Cupertino, as current market figures show. The search for the next hype, meanwhile, has already begun.

The boom seems to be over for iPhone and Samsung Galaxy.
The boom seems to be over for iPhone and Samsung Galaxy.

So now it's happened. Just a day after Apple admitted for the first time that the iPhone sales not grow indefinitely in the air, on Wednesday and the market research firm IDC's analysis of the smartphone market presented in the first quarter of 2016 and even there the numbers speak for themselves: the growth has come to a standstill and the Edukators.

The end of the big boom
334.9 million smartphones were sold in the first three months of the year. This is still an absurdly high number and even 0.2 percent more than last year. Given the cracks that have been achieved in the past in sales, you still have to speak of a turning point here, however. The booming market in recent years seems to have finally reached its full potential and is likely to settle in the next few years at a very high level.

Better technology at better prices
Is that a problem? For customers, it is generally only times not because they get now always better smartphones increasingly attractive prices. Were there fully equipped devices a few years ago only in the premium segment, as these are now also available as early as the middle class. However, those who spends 600 euros or more today, gets the same smartphone that so powerful and so well equipped is to stay loose for four years in operation. Sure, the next iPhone will then probably be back 50 percent faster than the current, perhaps it is also leaner and has a better camera, but honestly: Why?

Manufacturers will continue to sell large quantities of mobile phones and the customers they will continue to buy often - just as they continue to buy large numbers of televisions, computers and tablets. But if it once again get the great technological revolutions of the past for us, is questionable. OLED screens, curved displays, borderless screens, waterproof equipment, pressure-intensive display, dual cameras - all of which have been around, all this will probably not encourage buyers to great jubilation storms.

China eats market shares of Samsung and Apple
Within this market, although it might still come to extensive shifts the balance of power that have emerged very clearly in the first quarter 2016, according to IDC. So the sales were made at market leader Samsung compared to last year by 0.6 percent, with Apple there were even dramatic 16.3 percent. Most other traditional manufacturers had recorded a decrease, while the winners especially young companies from China, the high-end devices usually at significantly lower prices than its competitors offer from South Korea, the US and Japan. So Huawei achieved compared to last year a sales increase of 58.4 percent. The manufacturer Oppo and Vivo even came up with an increase of 153.2 or 123.8 percent.

The next boom comes determined
The search for the next big thing is however already in full swing. After smartwatches and wearables this claim yet justly, invest tech giants like Samsung, HTC, Microsoft, Intel, Sony, Facebook, Google, Amazon and Valve already heavily in new areas such as virtual reality, augmented reality and cloud computing.

Apple has a (luxury) problem
Only Apple seems at least for now to be caught a little cold from the weather change and is still fully calibrated on iPhone. Exactly one can Tim Cook then perhaps blame: While it is the CEO succeeded in recent years, even to squeeze the last cent out of the smart phone arena and to make Apple as the most valuable company in the world, it seems at present to a vision to be missing for the period after the iPhone. But - and it was stressed enough - Apple thanks to its iPhone after all, eaten a thick cushion so that it can survive as a phase and easily find connection.
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