Monday, October 5, 2015

Professional photographer: 6s iPhone camera better than Nikon D750

Professional photographer Lee Morris compared the camera of an iPhone 6s with SLR Nikon D750. The comparison is limited to the video recording. The result is a result that surprised.

The iPhone 6s has an excellent camera, has as shown not least our test. That the quality, however, sometimes even exceeds that of a SLR, but may yet surprise. The professional photographer Lee Morris has now compared the quality of the video recording from the iPhone 6s and the Nikon D750, as he reports on Fstoppers. And anyone who thinks that the winner would be determined beforehand, another think coming.

The video recording of the iPhone 6s proposes DSLR Nikon D750
So Morris realized in direct comparison that the iPhone 6s camera makes videos in better quality than its 3,000 US dollars expensive professional camera Nikon D750 - providing good lighting conditions. Not only does the iPhone 6s videos receives 2160 pixels even in 4K resolution of 3840 x, ​​the quality also knows how to convince. The captured Ultra HD video of Apple phones was downscaled to Full HD resolution for better comparability.

iPhone 6s camera convinces with more details
More details, better contrast and richer colors - the iPhone has 6s compared to the professional model Nikon D750 in important respects surprised ahead, explains Morris and a little angry. His equipment was finally beaten with a few thousand dollars to book. Even worse, if a smartphone camera achieves comparable or even better results at certain points for a fraction of the price.

Although the iPhone 6s camera when it comes to settings, interchangeable lenses and other points can of course not compete with professional DSLR cameras, but that was not the Morris in the comparison video anyway. It should only indicate which achieves camera to the default settings under optimal light conditions better results in terms of video recording. The iPhone 6s proposes here the expensive Proficam Nikon D750.
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