Sunday, March 5, 2017

Mytectech Weekly: MWC 2017, Galaxy S8 & Nintendo Switch Release

The MWC 2017 is history, the Galaxy S8 in the march. Far before the launch came first hands-on photos and even a first press release. In addition, this week the off for the Lightning connection on the iPhone 8 in the room and the Nintendo Switch celebrated their release. What else was important, reveals Mytectech Weekly.
MWC 2017

The Galaxy S8 will be presented in New York on March 29th. But many questions can hardly be left open. At the beginning of the week, a first live video of the Galaxy S8 was leaked, shortly before an obvious press picture of professional Leaker Evan Blass was spread over the net. And, if you take a closer look at the Leak photo, you will notice five interesting details that reveal a lot about the equipment of the Galaxy S8. During the course of the week, more hands-on photos appeared, but they did not reveal any surprises. Even the presumptive name for the new 18: 9 display is already known.

The MWC 2017 is history

Even if the MWC 2017 officially launched this week, the most important smartphone novelties were presented already last Sunday, especially the LG G6, which could be presented in terms of narrow display edges already properly. Although the smartphone flagship was without doubt one of the highlights of the MWC 2017, disappointed this week the message that German buyers have to do without the better equipped version. Earlier this week, Sony unveiled its new Xperia line-up.

IPhone 8: The back and forth around the lightning port

IPhone 8

Earlier this week the shock for all iPhone fans: Apple wants to abolish the lightning connection! This is to be replaced by USB-Type-C. A few days later followed the all-clear: Lightning remains synonymous with the iPhone 8, however, the upcoming iPhone line-up is to be loaded particularly fast. The Californians want to rely on the power delivery technology of USB-Type-C. A big topic for the US manufacturer should also be Augmented Reality, a whopping 1000 developers should work on the technology for the iPhone 8.

Since Friday you can finally buy the Nintendo Switch in the trade. After months of waiting, the Japanese have released their hybrid console - and we'll give you step by step how to set it up. For the release, the offer of start titles is still mau, but should change with the time however. But beware: Unlike in the run-up suspected, not all switch games will be playable in both modes. Sometimes some games can only be played in handheld mode. So whether future massive tablet portings will find the way to the switch, remains to be seen. How the Nintendo Switch strikes you in every day life, you learn in our test.

You are not afraid of a more demanding cinema? Then you should take a closer look at the new film "Silence", which has started in the German cinemas this week. Director Martin Scorsese focuses on the last Catholic missionaries in Japan and convinces with a masterly production. Whether the sometimes somewhat slow course of action of history clouded the overall picture, you will learn in our film criticism.
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