Monday, March 6, 2017

Finally: Genuine Samsung Galaxy S8 shows itself in short video

Finally, it has happened: The real Samsung Galaxy S8 - and not just a computer calculated image - is in a very short video. A few weeks before the release of the device, more and more leaks of the device appear.
Finally: Genuine Samsung Galaxy S8 shows itself in short video

So just before the launch of the Samsung Galaxy S8, which will be celebrated with a release event on 29 March, the frequency of the leaks is growing strongly. And that, although the manufacturer, of course, with all the mids to prevent that his employees shots pictures and other information to the public, writes Slash Gear.

Samsung Galaxy S8: The short video shows nothing new

So it is no surprise that there is now a short video of the upcoming top model from Samsung. The clip does not show anything new, but it is a little strange, which is almost by the way. Because on the device immensely large warnings, not to publish it - and exactly that has happened now.

It is also strange that the IMEI number and also the barcode of the device are clearly visible. This allows the smartphone to be tracked well. Therefore, it is also somewhat surprising that the video is still online some time after the Leak. It remains unclear whether Samsung is just preparing the lawsuit against the Videofilmer or whether the Korean company the film simply does not care.

It may well be that the video Samsung really does not care, because in the last days the leaks to the Galaxy S8 have increased enormously. However, the pictures show only what is already known in fact, among other things that the display of the device almost borderless and the fingerprint sensor on the back has migrated.
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