Monday, April 25, 2016

So spying technology in everyday life, our data from

Technology and Privacy has become a real time issue. Almost all the technical equipment and software programs that we use constantly collect data and send it to the manufacturers, developers and third companies. We declare at four popular examples where your data is collected and what it is being used.
Technology is only useful but also collects data constantly.

Windows 10 as the new star among the data spies?
Ever since the release of Windows 10 in July 2015, data protection a key issue when it comes to the operating system. The concerns of many users are not unfounded. namely one selects when setting up Windows 10, the "Express Settings", then the data Sammelwut Microsoft are actually opened the floodgates. By default, Windows 10 detects pretty much the complete usage of the PC owner and also detects when and how often these specific apps used.

these data are used according to Microsoft, to develop the software further. This is certainly correct, but in addition, the company gathers evenly also data for marketing purposes to better selling apps and other products to the users. Furthermore, the Group reserves the right to share the collected data with other companies.

If you want to pass on as few data about his personal usage to Microsoft, should therefore choose when setting up Windows 10 in any case, the "Express Settings" or subsequently withdraw the system permissions granted under "Settings> Privacy" again. But even if users Windows 10 withdraw all authorizations, the data gathering can not completely stop. Either way, the PC connects regularly with Microsoft servers to transmit certain data - or receive.
Windows 10 detects diligent user data.
Windows 10 detects diligent user data.
Optional practical or critical also can be classified to the best setting, after a Windows 10 PC automatically sends the wireless password of the user to his Facebook, Skype or Outlook Contacts. Do this then also a Windows 10 machine and get into the vicinity of said wireless network, they automatically get access. Although the password is transmitted encrypted and can not be viewed by the recipient, while this feature might not appeal to everyone.

The new star among the data collectors is Windows 10 still does not. The operating systems of Apple or Google collect namely in the same way without restraint user data. One consolation is however not really.

PS4 and Xbox One: What the console want to know everything
But not only on the PC, the user of the data collecting mania industry are exposed. Even someone who is today a console into the living room, has to be expected that the producer must collect perk user data. Current systems such as PlayStation 4 or Xbox One do that fairly excessively even and detect when an online connection with PlayStation Network or Xbox Live almost the complete usage of their owners.

What is played, how long and with whom it is played, what apps to download and even complete chats are collected and stored. The data is then used by Sony and Microsoft, among other things for marketing purposes and can also be passed on to third parties, according to the terms of use.
The PS4 detects and notifies user behavior.
The PS4 detects and notifies user behavior.
Who plays with PS4 or Xbox One, therefore should be aware that virtually all of its activities are recorded with the console. In this way, among other things, extensive user profiles on the games and TV behavior of users can be created. User can really protect themselves only if they largely operate their consoles offline prior to data collection.

Smartphone apps: the web advertising industry
This example is simple, right? Clearly, WhatsApp naturally collects data on Facebook, Siri collects for Apple, YouTube for Google and quiz duel for ARD. But wait! So easy it is not. In reality, the data collecting mania of apps is much larger and convenient for the user in most cases incomprehensible.

So the most popular applications also collect secretly many data about user behavior and to send them, for a fee, of course, on so-called ad networks further. Just free apps, this is often the main source of funding. Behind the networks in turn are old acquaintances such as Facebook and Google, but also companies like InMobi Admoda or of which probably have ever heard the fewest smartphone users. They use the information to sell to the users even more targeted and better advertising.
Apps are true world champion in data gathering.
Apps are true world champion in data gathering.
How big the acquisitiveness of apps partially, had a study of the French Academy Eurecom from 2015 revealed among other things. So as part of a test with Music Volume EQ an Android app were identified that were contacted to nearly 2,000 different websites in the background. The curious thing is that the app really only serves to change the volume settings on the smartphone itself. It is hard to believe that contact with 1900 different URLs is necessary for this task.

Total 2000 free apps were tested for the study, of which 70 percent have connected without the user's knowledge to any address in the network. On average, they were more than 40 addresses. Often individual apps sell their data simultaneously to multiple networks. The user is in control of where its data is sent, often starting already with the installation of the respective app.

Oculus Rift VR glasses with Facebook integration
A youngish case of technique that collects user data, is the VR-glasses Oculus Rift. This captured data that is also - and for the parent company Oculus Facebook. If you believe the reports from magazines such as Gizmodo, then the spectacle combines in the background with a Server Group and continuously transmits between 5 kbit / s and 7 kbits / s of data.

What is it about? In addition to relatively harmless data about location, computer configuration and the installed games and information is recorded on height, body shape and movements of the player and passed. Also chats, which are carried out with other players via the Oculus services, stores the manufacturer. What Facebook needs this data? Mainly of course be able to create for marketing purposes and to more detailed user profiles.
The Oculus Rift collects data for Facebook.
The Oculus Rift collects data for Facebook.
However Worse weighs the fact that Facebook also fundamental all usage rights for content claimed, with the Oculus Rift create the user. Created a hobby developers so their own software using the Oculus Rift, the rights are automatically transferred to the software giant. The reason is quite simple. Facebook reserves as the right to use the content created yourself if necessary, to sell or otherwise make money. In this respect, the Terms of Use differ little from those used by the Group on its own platform. There, too, claimed Facebook lump sum once everything you post as a user for itself.

Hysteria is misplaced
But these four examples sound pretty scary and suggest that new technology quasi only serves to spy on customers and consumers on behalf of the advertising industry. It has collecting user data actually some benefits that are often not aware in everyday life. Thus, the collected data is used namely in most cases quite well in improving the user experience. Search engines and social networks can make us only the best proposals, because they know our preferences and our user behavior. Hysteria is therefore definitely misplaced.
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