Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Gets the Nintendo NX a horseshoe-Controller?

There is no precise information on the Nintendo NX still. Now, however, a patent for a horseshoe-Controller has surfaced showing where Nintendo could move in the future.
Nintendo NX
The Nintendo NX could get a horseshoe controller.
That Nintendo is working on a new console codenamed NX, is no longer a secret. It remains unclear, however, what is the concept of the Japanese manufacturers followed. At least when it comes to controllers, it seems quite unusual to think in webs at Nintendo. This proves a new patent that the NeoGAF users rösti has tracked.

  • A horseshoe as Controller
The photo shows a controller that is more reminiscent of its basic shape to a horseshoe, instead of a classic gamepad. At least the central input elements such as directional pad and buttons are present on the concept art. seems really interesting, however, the inner workings of exceptional controller. So should these apparently include sensors such as accelerometers, gyroscope, and a thermometer. Apart from these features, the pad should have a hollow shape.

  • Fitness and health - new terrain for Nintendo
But the facilities suggests that the Controller could serve as a kind of fitness gadget. This is confirmed by the patent application itself, which speaks of a "training system and input device". Reports that Nintendo is working on appropriate products from the fitness and health center, there is a long time.

Whether such a controller could work at the end with a new console like the Nintendo NX, is not yet of course not known. It would be conceivable, however, know that Nintendo provides a connection to their own consoles and the local software for its fitness products. For more information, we should probably only get the idea or the release of NX - perhaps already at E3 in June.
Nintendo controller.
If the new Nintendo controller.

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