This iOS-10 Concept comes especially with a significantly improved control center. Shortcuts can not only move or replace. The operation via 3D touch inside the control center is possible.
Apple's operating system iOS 10 should bring much more new features with it as it was the case in 9 release of iOS. Designer Sam Beckett has his desires and expectations visualized in an iOS 10 concept now, reports MacRumors. The introduced with iOS 7 Control Center would therefore come consequently improved. Thus, for the shortcuts to move not only to any position by drag and drop, and an exchange of services is uncomplicated. Standard shortcuts such as WLAN or flight mode so could be replaced by a personal hotspot or location services. The direct starting a timer is possible as well as a shortcut to certain camera functions.
iOS 10 concept with 3D touch operation in the control center
That's not all: The shortcuts can even use 3D touch in the form of so-called Quick Actions operate. A courageous pressure on the wireless network icon would indicate a variety of different wireless networks. The new Night Shift mode, which will be celebrating in iOS 9.3 debut, would also benefit from Quick Actions directly in the control center. If the concept of finding their way into reality, to iPhone owners also likely to appreciate a "Dark" mode. So far, iOS does not offer such a feature.In any case are to iOS 10 little reliable information is known. While it is expected a better photo app, but more points are completely open. Apple is expected to introduce its new operating system as part of the developer conference WWDC, which is expected to take place in June. Along with the iPhone 7 expected to be published iOS 10 in September.
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