YouTube announced that it is the ability to add live video
directly from your mobile app. This ability is said to be coasting creators to
first select, it is expected that more people on later to roles.
On the stage at VidCon, Lead YouTube Product Kurt Wilms
showed the latest feature of the popular video in social networks. Although
before YouTube Live skills she was with verified channels on those limited, and
was replaced by the creator Studio.
The news today confirms our report of a live access tool for
people, and it is directly in the core YouTube mobile app baked". It also
provides the service is in direct competition with twit ters peri scope and
live video option of Facebook , both service that have recently been in the
news and have seen some pretty significant adoption.
The fight for the video under the same of Twitter to lead to
further, Facebook, snap chat and YouTube, then it is now on the new
"reality" and the TV is with the people emits exactly what you do -
think what iJustine does, but now more for the masses. And it is not surprising
that YouTube in this room has occurred. In August, the head of the company of
consumer goods manual Bron Stone Wired said: "By and large we think about
YouTube video with synonym for ... Live is always a part of the video was, and
actually, there is always a very exciting part."
A possible difference that YouTube has over its competitors
is the fact that it is all about video natively and as such has the capability
to its service for all types of creator needs, whether you amateurs, celebrities,
or even professional broadcasters. But whether or not that the network effect
to overcome the Facebook and Twitter have in relation to the content to share,
remains to be seen. It is an interesting thing to be able to experience.
The first YouTube-Stars with this live ability to begin, the
young Turks, AIB, Polynesian Platica, SacconeJoyls and Alex Wassabi. It is
available on all mobile platforms, where the youtubeTube-App, including iOS and
Android. YouTube has previously as the royal wedding live stream events in the
year 2011, Felix Baumgartner jump out of the space in the year 2012, and coach
particularly in this year of more than 21 million people has been seen.
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