Monday, May 23, 2016

Hacker brings Steam games on the PS4

A hacker who first placed Steam games on a PS4 running. If everything is set correctly, the games work supposedly quite decent. For regular users of the PlayStation 4, the device is too complicated. That could change.
Steam games run first on a PS4

The home developers OsirisX has brought games from the PC games library Steam on a PlayStation 4 and running, as Engadget reports. The implementation requires some effort and is for normal gamers probably overkill. The modification requires a jailbreak, Arch Linux and software libraries Failover Flow. In addition, you need the old version 1.76 of the PS4 operating system for the jailbreak and the Linux installation.

After all, the result already looks quite useful, as can be understood by means of a YouTube demo. The technically more undemanding RPG "Bastion" is running properly in the Steam version on the PlayStation. 4 According to the developer OsirisX most other games run smoothly at medium to low graphics settings.

In the future, probably easily
Average gamers will have to wait if they are interested in the Steam-Mod. There is no simple package that you install and then you could start right away with Steam. However allegedly gewerkelt on a jailbreak for a newer software version (3:50) of the PS4. Sometime the start of Steam games on the PlayStation 4 might be as simple as running "Uncharted 4".

The reason that playing Steam PC Games on the PS4 is at all possible, is the PC-like architecture of the PlayStation 4. Unlike the PlayStation 3 Sony sets on the PS4 on the x86 architecture, as home computers is known. However, one obstacle could for PC ratios now rather poor performance of the PS4 be. This problem can be expected to the planned PlayStation Neo with a significant performance boost.
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