Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Trotz PlayStation 4K: Microsoft plant keine 2016 Next-Konsole

While Sony probably still want 2016 to bring out a stronger PS4, Microsoft has no such plans. The only just been germinated rumors about an Xbox Next, the manufacturer denied quickly.
Unlike Sony Microsoft in 2016
Unlike Sony Microsoft in 2016 will not publish new console.

Sony brings 2016 supposedly a new console in position: the PlayStation 4K, a PS4 with stronger graphics performance. The 4K-capable console is to be presented in October, together with specially developed 4K Games. Therefore, it did not seem so far-fetched that even Microsoft is working on expanding the Xbox One, which later this year - could be presented - perhaps even in time for E3 in June. An indication afforded the LinkedIn profile of a Visual Designer of Microsoft, who performed in his resume work on an "Xbox Next" in the period from 2012 until today. However, the manufacturer responded quickly and denied the rumor.

No Microsoft neXt planned as a rival to PS4K
Opposite IGN said Microsoft: "Xbox Next was an old internal team name for a group of people who worked on the release of Xbox One, and is not connected to a future console." Instead a more advanced Xbox Two modeled after Sony and the PlayStation bring out 4K, Microsoft will publish in summer a Dev Kit for the current generation of consoles.

The update comes on the first anniversary of Windows 10 and should bring all Windows apps on the console - including the voice assistant Cortana. This gives Xbox One owners although no 4K Games, but the update will be available for free. Thus, each Xbox can One player on request for developers. The PS4K is depending on whether a stronger CPU is installed, cost 399 or 499 dollars.
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