A week ago a first allegedly genuine photo of the controller of Nintendo NX had appeared on the Internet. Now, a Reddit user claimed that he did so is a joke - and post a video evidence.
Almost exactly one week a first supposedly real photo of the controller of the next console Nintendo NX had surfaced on Reddit. Following the publication passed many observers considerable doubt whether the picture was really genuine - and these doubts seem to confirm now according to a report from Kotaku. A Reddit user named Idriss2Dev posted accordingly on Thursday a YouTube video on the platform, in which he claimed to be behind the Fake controller. In the roughly two-minute clip to see how the picture of Nintendo NX controller is put together with Photoshop.
What about the new leak pictures?
Despite this supposed resolution of the Controller Leaks one big question remains: what about theother two photos of Nintendo NX pads that surfaced this week? These images appeared namely far more convincing than the first leak Photo. In addition, the controller is very reminiscent of a patent which Nintendo had submitted in September 2015 and describing a control tool which is virtually only one display.
Even if the first photo of the Nintendo NX controller therefore was actually a fake, that does not mean that the final pad the console is not yet looks exactly.
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