Thursday, April 28, 2016

WhatsApp to voicemail and ZIP shipping get

WhatsApp to be soon expanded with additional features. On the list of improvements are currently voicemail and ZIP shipping.
WhatsApp unterstützt bald Voicemail und ZIP-Dateien.

The popular smartphone messenger WhatsApp could be more versatile in the future. So the parent company Facebook intends to capitalize on the comprehensive communication platform's app loud Phone Radar apparently. One of the new features to be voicemails.

Since 2015 WhatsApp users are thanks to Voice over IP technology already able to make calls directly from the app. this feature is really used so far hardly. This also explains why Facebook wants to expand the voice communication through the ability to send voice messages. In addition, the developers plan to implement a callback buttons, the user can call their contact with missed WhatsApp calls immediately, without the need for the Messenger has to be started.

About ZIP files send entire folders
In addition to voice communication and data transmission via WhatsApp to be expanded. After it has been possible recently to send various documents such as PDF files on the app, and entire file folders in the ZIP format should be sent in the future. In this way, users can, for example, to pack an entire photo album to a ZIP file and send to recipients. The receiver could then unzip the package on his smartphone and store the images in a separate folder. Theoretically, it should even be possible under Android to send all apps via WhatsApp, since the APK installation files are nothing but renamed .zip folder in principle.

When the new features coming, is still unknown. However, Facebook and WhatsApp should not be too long until a new update of the app is rolled out well.
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