Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Cool or creepy? Samsung develops smart contact lenses

A pretty crazy technology Samsung wants a patent for the smart contact lens. This is to have an integrated camera and a Mini DisplayPort and be just as inconspicuous as a real contact lens. But so cool this technology is so creepy it simultaneously acts.
Samsung developed a smart contact lens.
Samsung developed a smart contact lens.
Smart Glasses like Google Glass or the Microsoft HoloLens are currently still in the test stage. However, Samsung goes one step further and now has a first patent for a smart contact lens applied in South Korea, as SamMobile reported. Unlike, say, the HoloLens that it is very different from a normal spectacle in size, look at the Samsung contact lenses at least in the patent drawings actually like real contact lenses.

  • Contact lens with built-in display and camera

Despite the tiny and slim design, the lenses are equipped with a mini-display and a built-in camera, in addition there is an antenna for transmitting data and various sensors. The latter are intended to cover the wearer's movements and also detect the input commands. the contact lens is controlled by the way in the easiest way, which is possible, namely by blinking.
The smart contact lens should not exceed a real contact lens.
The smart contact lens should not exceed a real contact lens.
the carrier can display images in front of his eye over the mini display of the lens. However, the contact lens case must be connected wirelessly to a smartphone. The mobile phone serves as a kind of data center, since the lens itself does not have required processor and graphics chips. Even photos that are snapped by the camera of the contact lens should then land directly on the connected smartphone and are stored there.

  • Not only cool, but also creepy

So cool and funky, this technique sounds so creepy it is the same. After all, such a contact lens would be virtually invisible camera that could, in principle, each carry around at any time with them. Just for the debate on data protection and privacy should such wearables provide plenty of new fodder. After all, who wants to be filmed already in private or even intimate moments of his opposite number, without knowing it?
Technically, the concept seems pretty wicked.
Technically, the concept seems pretty wicked.

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